DNA Fingerprints Facial Prints and Other Digital Forensics as Evidence in Criminal Investigation and Court Proceedings

Aftab Ahmad

  • Dr Aftab Ahmad Aftab Ahmad Lahore Garrison University
Keywords: Evidence, DNA, Facial images, fingerprint, modus operandi, criminal history Database.


The purpose of this paper is to focus on the legitimacy and importance of digital evidence such as fingerprints, DNA, polygraph, auto-radiography, and facial-prints and their admissibility in investigations and court proceedings. The extracts from criminal databases are also relevant in this context. The modus operandi of criminals, particularly in case of repetition of similar type of offence is also of immense significance. Normally, the criminals operate adopting a specific manner or method. The killers have their own way or mode of committing the offence. The modus operandi changes from person to person or groups to groups in committing the offences. It may determine that the offence is committed by a group or an individual. In view of its impotence, the modus operandi must be included in criminal databases as a separate column. The criminal images sketched by artists on the bases of description of witnesses present on scene of offence have relevance and must be included in the criminal databases for future reference and use.
