The Availability and Load Balancing in Cloud Computing

Nadia Tabassum, Shahida Mujeed

  • Nadia Tabassum Department of Computer Science, Virtual University of Pakistan
  • Shahida Mujeed Department of Computer Science, Virtual University of Pakistan
Keywords: Cloud computing, QoS parameter, cloud service providers, ranking, prediction


Cloud computing is new model that permit to the clients, associations, to buy the necessary adminis-
trations as indicated by our requirements. It is used to upload their data and retrieve data according
to the needs over the internet. This model offer several services like to store data, easy and conve-
nient web services, etc. In this era Cloud Application is developed the different services some are
Platform-as-a-Service (Paas), Software-as-a-Service (Saas), Infrastructures-as-a-Service (Iaas), and
Cloud computing improve their services day by client also demand reliable and new services for
efficiency and reliability. Load Balancing be major provocation in cloud computing. Technique
called load balancing is used to distribute load of the data over the cloud network. It is also used to
minimize the resource usage.
