Effects of Emotions in Cognitive Based Game

Syeda Binish Zahra

  • Syeda Binish Zahra Syeda Binish Zahra Lahore Garrison University
Keywords: Dimensional Model (DM), Classification Model (CM), facial expression emotions (FEE), Affective Virtual Reality (AVR), Game State (GS), AS (AS), Heart Rate Variability (HRV)


Recognition of emotion has been done through different perspectives and is useful in many domains of Human Computer Interaction (HCI), especially in intelligent systems, interactive robots, web applications interaction, and to elaborate social media. Our aim is to design a system which encapsulates the behavior's set into roles which helps other developers in wrap behaviors into segments that can diverse dynamically, based on player moves. Games utilize contextual data about players and their environment to explore new means of interactions and enhance game experience. Cognitive science plays an important role in the performance of cognitive ASs. Recent research claims that the cognitive based games must incorporate in adaptive mechanisms especially in real- time adaption. Our research focuses on the domain of computer games based on emotions of player. In this research paper, we will layout a framework for adaptive agent game at which player's emotions are shown at each move in emotion avatar. With the help of cognition adaptive nature, system can change its level of difficulty as any change occur in performance of player. After achieving a real cognitive improvement, system will be able to provide appropriate challenges. Emotions in games enhance the motivation of player's by dynamically adapt the procedure of agent systems.
